Sustainability | February 20, 2023

SCUNTHORPE, UK (February 20, 2023) – CANPACK UK (CPUK), part of the global CANPACK Group, has announced it will support the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and plans to hold a range of initiatives to reach its fundraising target.
CANPACK launched their partnership during BHF’s Heart Month by holding a Wear Red day, and plan to continue raising funds over the next two years. This includes both office and factory-based teams who will be taking part in individual and team challenges – from wing walking to cycling events, climbing the Three Peaks and holding a donation drive to support BHF’s charity shops.
In total, the organisation hopes to raise £10,000 and will also offer all team members in the office and factory the chance to learn the life-saving skill of CPR. Colleagues will also participate in several BHF supported health and wellbeing engagement activities which will help ensure a healthier workforce. The money raised by CANPACK will help the BHF fund vital research into heart and circulatory diseases like heart attacks, stroke and vascular dementia, and the risk factors that can cause them, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Since forming in 1961, the charity has funded research that has contributed to lifesaving breakthroughs such as heart transplants, pacemakers, portable defibrillators, and valve replacements. Despite the huge progress made, heart and circulatory conditions are still the world’s biggest killers – and every three minutes in the UK, a family loses a loved one to a heart or circulatory disease. Around 13,000 people are living with these conditions in Scunthorpe alone.
Philip Fisher, Managing Director at CANPACK UK said: “Our colleagues are so proud to partner with the British Heart Foundation and to know that the funds we raise will help the charity fund lifesaving research.”
“With heart and circulatory diseases killing one in four people in the UK it’s inspiring to know that our fundraising could make a real impact for such an important cause.”
Melanie Meik, Community Engagement and Fundraising Manager at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) for Lincolnshire and Rutland said: “We are honoured that CANPACK UK have chosen to support the British Heart Foundation and help fund the scientific breakthroughs of tomorrow.
“For more than 60 years, the British Heart Foundation has funded research that has turned ideas that once seemed like ‘science fiction’ into treatments and cures that save lives every day. But millions of people are still waiting for the next breakthrough.
“It is only thanks to the generous support of companies like CANPACK that we can keep research going and discover the treatments and cures of the future.”