General FAQs

Who are CANPACK?

CANPACK is a leading global provider of high-quality, sustainable, modern packaging solutions. We manufacture high-quality aluminium cans, glass containers, and metal closures for the beverage industry, and steel cans for the food and chemical industries. Headquartered in Kraków (Poland), we serve customers in over 100 countries worldwide. Over the last 30 years, we have expanded our geographical reach primarily through greenfield investments driven by our customers’ requirements. The CANPACK Group is one of the most technologically advanced and largest packaging producers in the world.

How many employees work for CANPACK?

CANPACK employs nearly 8,500 employees worldwide across 27 plants located in 16 countries across 5 continents.

What is CANPACK’s vision and mission?
  • Our vision is to redefine what’s possible with packaging – for consumers, businesses and the planet.
  • Our mission is to be the global partner of choice for impactful, experience-enhancing, and sustainable packaging solutions – energising customers, connecting with consumers and inspiring employees to push boundaries.
What are CANPACK’s values?

Our shared values describe how we deliver our vision, how we do business, and how we work together. They are the foundation of our culture. We believe packaging can do more. More for brands, businesses, people, and the planet.

What are CANPACK’s competitive strengths?

Our competitive strengths include:

  • Having a rich portfolio of sustainable products that meet the diverse needs and expectations of consumers around the world.
  • Having a proven track record of new market entry through successful greenfield investments.
  • Building long-term relationships with a diverse blue-chip customer base.
  • Having a conservative financial profile with disciplined management.
  • Being privately owned allows us to operate and invest for the long term.
How important are sustainability-related issues to CANPACK?

Sustainability is at the heart of the way we do business and it influences the decisions we make. At CANPACK our sustainability strategy centres around three sustainability pillars: Care, Sustain, and Recycle. These ensure that we always remain conscious of evolving consumer expectations and our wider role in society.

Can you tell me a little bit about CANPACK’s history?

We have been growing since we were established as a metal packaging business in Poland in 1992. Since this time, we have moved beyond our initial steel can offering to become one of the leading manufacturers in the beverage packaging industry. Our global footprint has primarily grown organically via greenfield expansion. These developments have been driven by our key customers seeking new products, capabilities, and innovation.

How can I keep up to date on CANPACK news & events?

Please visit the news section of our website or follow us on LinkedIn for our latest news.

Bond FAQs

What are CANPACK’s issued bonds?

On October 26, 2020, CANPACK S.A. and CANPACK US LLC (previously Eastern PA Land Investment Holding LLC) co-issued (i) €600,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 2.375% Senior Notes due 2027 and (ii) $400,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 3.125% Senior Notes due 2025. On October 12, 2021 CANPACK S.A. and CANPACK US LLC issued $800 million aggregate principal amount of 3.875% Senior Notes due 2029.

Please visit Bond Profile for more information.

What are the credit ratings of CANPACK’s bonds?

Please visit Credit Rating

Are CANPACK’s bonds listed? Where can I find their prices?

Yes, the current outstanding bonds are listed on Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s Euro MTF market. Their market pricing can be obtained via banks or financial data providers, such as Bloomberg and Reuters.

Where can I get CANPACK’s historical financial information?

Please visit Bondholder Downloads

When is CANPACK’s next results announcement?

Please visit Financial Calendar

Who should I contact for questions related to CANPACK’s bonds?


Lorenzo Ruffatti 
Group Treasury Director

Marta Kopcik 
Group Communications Manager



Li Zhao – Maitland/AMO
Phone: +44 (0) 207 379 5151
Email: canpack@maitland.co.uk



Does your company have policies dedicated to sustainability-related issues in place?

Yes. Environmental issues are covered in the company’s  Integrated Management System policy, Sustainability policy and Code of Conduct and Suppliers Code of Conduct policies.

Click on the attached policy to view:

  • Group Sustainability Policy
  • Group Sustainable Procurement Policy
  • Group Code of Conduct
  • Group Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Integrated Management System Policy
  • Global Trade Compliance Policy
  • Integrated Management System Policy
  • Global Anti-Corruption Policy
  • Group Enterprise Risk Management Policy
  • Group Data Protection Policy
  • Security Policy for GGH (Giorgi Global Holdings, the owner of CANPACK Group)
How do you manage your environmental responsibilities?

All of our manufacturing facilities are regulated by the environmental authorities and operate under strict permit conditions.  In order to exceed rather than only meet the expectations of the permits we have an Integrated Management System which standardises our Environmental requirements across the group and pushes for continual improvement.  Our management system runs in conjunction with the ISO 14001/45001 accreditations that are held by 70% of our manufacturing sites.

What is CANPACK’s attitude towards Science Based Targets?

CANPACK verifies externally its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. The Group has not only reduced its relative carbon footprint across all divisions but has also reduced its absolute Scopes 1 and 2 reductions since 2017 – even despite production growth.

Since 2021, CANPACK has been a member of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)  and the Group’s emissions reduction targets were formally approved by the organisation in May 2022. The Group’s overall strategy is to reduce emissions in line with the ‘well below 2-degree celsius’ trajectory. As part of its emissions targets, CANPACK is committed to three core mission statements:

  • Reducing absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% by 2030 from a 2020 baseline.
  • Increasing annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 62% in 2020 to 100% from 2022 onwards.
  • Reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services by 12.3% by 2030 from a 2020 baseline.
Does CANPACK have a renewable energy target in place?

Since 2022, where available, the CANPACK Group has procured 100% renewable electricity for use in all of its plants. Where it is not available the company purchases Energy Attribute Certificates or comparable certificates. The announcement, made in late 2021, made CANPACK the first major global can maker to use 100% renewable electricity across all of its facilities. In addition to this commitment, where it was feasible, the Group has invested in on-site solar power.

Are CANPACK plants compliant with the ISO 50001 standard certification? If not, is there a target in place?

Although we do not have a specific target in place to introduce the ISO 50001 standard, we are investigating the adoption of this standard. Currently, three CANPACK’s sites, Brzesko (PL), Bydgoszcz (PL), and Scunthrope (UK) are covered by ISO 50001 standard certificate. From a manufacturing point of view, we are committed to energy and water reduction targets and implementing best-in-class practices and procedures.

Do you have targets in place regarding the recycling rate of beverage cans?

CANPACK, alongside the whole industry, is focused on playing its part to ensure that every single can is recycled. Indeed it is why we are fully involved in initiatives like ‘Every Can Counts’. As an industry we proactively support the improvement of existing collection and recycling infrastructures, raising consumer awareness of the issues, and supporting good regulations. In Poland and Romania, CANPACK operates plants that focus solely on recycling aluminium.

Could you tell us more about initiatives relative to the circular economy within the company?

As a business we are fortunate enough to work with permanent materials which are infinitely recyclable and as such we are committed to ensuring that our ‘cradle to cradle’ processes are as efficient and effective as possible. This includes participating in consumer education campaigns through ‘Every Can Counts’ which aims at encouraging consumers to recycle more and invest in dedicated can collection centres in Poland and Romania via our recycling business.

To encourage ‘cradle to cradle’ practices we continuously look at ways in which we can lightweight our cans and bottles and we explore ways in which we can make the most of the waste produced in our factories, for example, we use varnish waste as the building block of a new ‘black’ colour.

What actions are in place regarding water management?

CANPACK is committed to minimising water use, treating water so it can be reused and only discharging wastewater that is fully treated and clean. In this regard, the Group regularly tests water using advanced water metering systems and provides employees with water quality training.

Our water community programmes include installing ponds and rainwater wells to facilitate rainwater harvesting. With continued water management efforts, our aim is to reduce the amount of water used for aluminium can production by 13% by 2025 against a 2019 baseline.

We also require our suppliers to have implemented water reduction targets, which are included in our Sustainable Procurement Policy. Implementation of this condition qualifies a supplier to ‘very low risk’ level. CANPACK’s target is that 100% of its key suppliers must achieve the ‘very low risk’ level (A) by 2030.

How do you ensure a safe place of work for your employees?

Safety is one of CANPACK’s six values and is central to everything that we do.  Every person who visits a CANPACK site, whether visitor, contractor or employee, has the right to go home at the end of the day without suffering any work-related injury or ill health.  Our Integrated Management System sets the standards for the Group, starting with risk assessment and risk reduction (PPE is always a last resort), engagement and the monitoring of performance through challenging Key Performance Indicators.

Do you have a policy & objectives in place to facilitate/increase the employment of disabled people?

CANPACK is a signatory of UNGC and we support all 10 principles, including the elimination of discrimination in the workplace. This approach is also an integral part of our values and code of conduct. We also believe that responsibility for these issues rests in our supply chain, so we expect the same high standards from our suppliers.

At CANPACK we’ve created a culture and work environment that embraces diversity, fosters inclusion, and respects the rights and dignity of our employees. We are proud of our team; they are the source of our success. That’s why we provide equality and fairness to our employees, job applicants, and business partners. We are opposed to all forms of discrimination – cultural differences are recognised and valued.

Although we have no specific target to increase the number of disabled people we employ, where it is appropriate and necessary, we ensure that special equipment and operational modifications are put in place.

What actions are in place to address child labour, slavery and/or human trafficking?

Our goal is to ensure that all the people we affect directly and indirectly through our operations are treated in a fair manner and that human rights are respected. Accordingly, we have developed and implemented a Human Rights Policy which is available on our website. This covers our legal, moral, and commercial responsibility towards respecting human rights, establishes a basic management framework on these issues, and it supports our employees in achieving this goal.

And although child and forced labour, as well as slavery and human trafficking, are also specifically addressed as key issues in CANPACK’s Code of Conduct and Suppliers Code of Conduct, to effectively mitigate the risk of child or forced labour the business performs risk assessments, including at the production facilities of its supply chain partners. The issue is also a central part of business training programmes and employees are actively encouraged to report any incidents through our whistleblowing mechanism.

Additionally, every year we issue an updated statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking, prepared in accordance with the regulations imposed by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 passed by the UK Parliament.

How does the company recognise its social responsibility as a member of business and local communities?

CANPACK’s first sustainability pillar, Care, sets out the business’s responsibilities to its employees and local communities. It includes health and safety; the protection of human rights; the prevention of discrimination, corruption, forced labour and child labour; as well as community engagement. The activities undertaken by CANPACK within this pillar are consistent with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles and reflect the company’s contribution to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by UN Member States in 2015.

How does the company promote respecting human rights, including diversity?

CANPACK is committed to ensuring that every effort is made to create an environment which respects the rich, diverse social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds of its employees. Indeed, CANPACK’s values include integrity, respect, and teamwork. This attitude motivated us to create a project and book called ‘Sense of Place. Feel Proud of Your Local Heritage’. The project allows us to better understand the culture of colleagues from around the world and appreciate the uniqueness and diversity of CANPACK’s global community.

To encourage fairness and consistency the company has implemented a global system that helps ensure comparable employment conditions and benefits to comparable positions – taking into account local laws and norms regardless of where an employee is located. CANPACK also promotes an anti-discriminatory culture through dedicated training programmes and a Speak-Up helpline. The Diversity and Inclusion Policy implemented in 2021 reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all employees and to not providing less favourable treatment to employees on the grounds of age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, gender reassignment, or sex and sexual orientation. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

What are your latest results of carbon footprint calculations?


As one of the key packaging producers, CANPACK understands its impact on the environment and recognizes its responsibility for the condition of the environment. Since 2017, we have been calculating our carbon footprint, quantifiably expressing the company’s impact on the climate as well as other indicators of sustainable development and circular economy.

Regular carbon footprint measurement enables us to identify the areas of our activity with the greatest potential to generate emissions and, consequently, to search for opportunities to optimize our processes, implement new effective solutions and undertake sustainable-oriented initiatives and investments.

Recognizing that companies have a key role to play in supporting the climate transition at the pace and scale required by the Paris Agreement, in 2022 CANPACK has set emission reduction targets grounded in climate science. In this way, we want to contribute to the fight against climate change and ensure a thriving, sustainable economy.

Following its commitments and maintaining transparency in business relations, CANPACK wants to share its carbon footprint results for 2023 with its investors, customers and other stakeholders. The calculation is based on the methodology developed by CANPACK and publicly available at the LINK. The independent limited assurance of emission factors was carried out by an independent third party, BUREAU VERITAS Polska Sp. z o. o. LINK

One of the first and radical actions for the climate that the company took in 2022. was the transition to the purchase of 100% energy from renewable sources, the effects of which can be seen in drastically reduced emissions in Scope 2 (a decrease of 97% compared to 2021). The company takes further steps to increase the efficiency of utilities and raw material consumption despite the growing scale of operations, and thus reduce the carbon footprint and get closer to its Science Based Targets set for 2030.

Table 1: Selected metrics within the scope of limited assurance for the year ending 31 December 2023

Table 1: Selected metrics within the scope of limited assurance for the year ending 31 December 2023


Is there board-level oversight of sustainability-related topics within your organisation?

The CANPACK Sustainability Committee is chaired by CANPACK’s CEO, and its membership is made up of senior executives from Giorgi Global Holdings. The Committee meets at least once per quarter and is responsible for approving and reviewing the sustainability strategy and priorities (including climate change issues). Examples of decisions made by the Sustainability Committee include, the requirement for all plants to have bespoke environmental targets in place, the introduction of Science Based Targets, and a commitment to using renewable electricity.

In addition to the Sustainability Committee, sustainability-related issues are raised at Executive Committee and Supervisory Board levels.

Does CANPACK have a process for identifying, assessing, and responding to sustainability-related risks and opportunities?

Yes. Relevant business issues are assessed from a probability and an impact perspective. As each issue is independently evaluated it is given a score between 1 and 5 (5 being considered of greatest risk and 1 lowest risk). Once the scores are multiplied any issues that have a score above 15 are considered to be substantial risks. The impact of each risk is then considered from three perspectives: financial, quality and time.

Does your company formally and publicly adhere to any external sustainability initiatives or sets of principles?

In 2019, CANPACK joined the UN Global Compact which commits the Group to supporting ten principles covering Human Rights, Labour laws, the Environment and Anticorruption.

Does your company communicate progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, CANPACK is committed to communicating progress on sustainability-related issues on an annual basis.

What actions are in place so that social or environmental factors are integrated into your procurement processes?

We have hosted the Sustainable Supplier Day twice so far – in 2021 and 2023. During the most recent event in 2023, we engaged with our key suppliers to gain a better understanding of their sustainability credentials, practices, and goals. We also emphasized the importance of prioritizing sustainability-related issues.

One of our key objectives is to ensure that our primary suppliers are classified as ‘low risk’ by 2025 and ‘very low risk’ by 2030. This goal involves meeting 18 requirements, including Science Based Targets, increasing the use of renewable energy, reducing energy consumption, and implementing sustainable supply chain measures. Our aim is to encourage a collaborative and transparent approach throughout the supply chain.

We plan to host another Supplier Day in 2024.

What ESG ratings or awards does CANPACK have?

Our commitment to conduct business in an environmentally and socially responsible manner is demonstrated by the number of awards we’ve received. Of particular significance is the Gold Rating from EcoVadis which places CANPACK in the top 5% of more than 100,000 companies worldwide assessed by EcoVadis as well as the A- ‘climate change’ and A- “supplier engagement’ scores from CDP. Other highlights include the Arabia CSR Award – an award that multiply recognised the positive work CANPACK does as a medium-sized business in the Middle East, the CEE’s Best Sustainable Packaging Solutions award for our outstanding commitment to employees, communities, and the environment, the Gold Leaf accreditation for CANPACK’s outstanding leadership regarding environmental and social responsibility in corporate governance (ESG), the Fair Company award which formally recognises CANPACK as a CSR Leader, the Green Company award which recognises the measures we’ve put in place to reduce the total environmental impact of our activity, the Good Employer award which lighlight CANPACK’s effors toward emplyees, and also the Ethical Company award which is a symbol of organizational maturity and care for ethics and compliance in business.

Does the company have a dedicated sustainability unit?

Yes. CANPACK has a fully integrated Sustainability Office supported by a strong team of experts, including sustainability champions, in each of its production facilities. The Sustainability Office, working alongside the production facilities and relevant global departments, regularly monitors, analyses, reports, and identifies opportunities for improvement. CANPACK also has a Sustainability Committee that approves and reviews the businesses’ sustainability strategy, reviews performance, and identifies priorities.

How frequently does CANPACK monitor its environmental, social, and economic indicators and on which sustainability issues are there KPIs?

CANPACK continuously monitors its sustainability KPIs at all of its sites and it formally reports progress on an annual basis. Examples of KPIs include the number of lost time injury events; percentage of women in executive positions; the number of community projects in place; electricity and thermal energy consumption; water consumption; waste generation and recycling; and percentage of recycled materials used.

How does the company communicate progress against its sustainability strategy?

Progress against the company’s sustainability strategy is primarily done through CANPACK’s sustainability report which is published every 2 years. It reports progress against four key areas: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. As a company that participates and implements the UN Global Compact’s (UNGC) standards, CANPACK publishes its progress on an annual basis. CANPACK’s sustainability growth is assessed by external bodies including Ecovadis and CDP, and the results are publicly communicated through CANPACK’s website and via social media.

What reporting standards regarding sustainability / ESG does the company adhere to?

CANPACK’s second sustainability report (2022) was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The Group also adheres to the reporting standards set by UN Global Compact (UNGC).

What is the company’s attitude towards ethical supply chain sourcing, such as conflict-free minerals?

CANPACK prohibits the procurement of materials containing minerals that originate from entities supporting conflicts or benefitting armed groups. The extraction of these minerals are often related to human rights infringements including forced labour and the abuse of women and children. To ensure that the raw materials needed to manufacture the products made by CANPACK are sourced from conflict-free areas, the company follows strict procedures based on applicable national and international guidelines, including “Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” issued by the OECD. The company’s commitment is formally covered by CANPACK Group’s Conflict Minerals Policy.