To help us achieve our potential we launched our CANPACK Innovators Programme in 2021 – the aim of which is to identify the best solutions to improve the efficiency of our company. So far, we have recorded over 800 ideas and projects for various improvements from employees of the CANPACK Group in four key categories: safety, quality, sustainability and efficiency. All the ideas are shared, and where possible, implemented across our plants. Examples of great innovations include:
- Diagnostics of compressed air leakage (Brzesko, Poland) – compressors are one of the most energy consuming devices. Any leakage of compressed air is a very big loss for the factory. A regular check of compressed air installations has been implemented. A leak is found very quickly, and the Maintenance Department is obliged to repair the installation as soon as possible. This kind of maintenance works bring huge savings.
- Reverse osmosis RO PLUS upgrade (Bucharest, Romania) – a new stage of filtration with three diaphragms has been added. It is the installation of the 2nd step of Reverse Osmosis (RO). The 1st step of RO (initial) generated permeate (used for production) and concentrate (drained). This new solution recirculates the volume of concentrate to minimise the amount of wastewater produced by about 50%. Additionally, consumption of municipal water used in RO is reduced by 7%.