The Academy of the Future helps children grow their confidence through tutoring and mentorship. Thanks to CANPACK’s support, the Academy helped an additional 200 young people between 2021-2022.
Confidence issues, learning difficulties, mental health conditions – these are common challenges that can prevent children from realising their full potential.
The Academy of the Future is a social project committed to solving this problem. Through one-to-one tuition and mentoring, it helps children embrace new opportunities, make the most of their talents and, ultimately, gain confidence.
CANPACK supported the Academy in 2021 and 2022, funding the tuition of 200 young people.
Creating a safe space for development
The Academy of the Future’s work is based on a tried-and-tested methodology.
This process starts in schools, where the Academy collaborates with teachers to identify children at risk. Children are then matched to tutors who are tasked with uncovering the root cause of each child’s difficulties through a series of weekly meetings. This is a collaborative exercise where both parties work together to find solutions and develop the child’s strengths.
The success of this process is predicated on providing a safe and stable environment that promotes healthy social and psychological development while allowing the child to be themselves.
“Children need attention, listening and understanding, and need to feel that they are noticed and respected. We volunteers give them all of that,” said a tutor working with the Academy.
The goal of the methodology is to build the child’s confidence and self-worth, but this translates into numerous benefits. For example, the child feels happy in themselves and becomes a better student. Crucially, they leave the program feeling ready and prepared to take the next step in their journey.
“I like the Academy of the Future for the fact there are cool tutors, that you can learn a lot, for having fun and for helping to believe in your dreams,” said one student.
Another agrees, “I’m grateful to the Academy of the Future for helping me a lot in many ways. I used to be closed, now I’m more open and have better grades than before.”
Over 200 children helped
Thanks to CANPACK’s efforts, 200 children entered and completed the Academy’s program between 2021-2022. Each received a grade book that documents their outstanding achievements and hard work.
CANPACK and the Academy also collaborated on a series of online workshops for CANPACK’s staff and their children. Called ‘You can! Feel it!’, this project gave children a taste of the Academy’s methodology. So far, 60 families have taken part.
Joanna Sadzik, CEO of the Spring Association, which implements the Academy of the Future, had this to say about the CANPACK partnership:
“The future of our children depends on them building their self-confidence and self-esteem. The idea of the Home Academy of the Future came from CANPACK, and together we created the agenda – an example of a real, fruitful partnership between NGOs and business.”
This sponsorship is just one of the many ways we’re delivering on our commitment to making a difference in society and creating a feeling of belonging in communities across the globe. You can learn more about our efforts here.