Commercial | December 16, 2024

KRAKÓW, POLAND (December 16, 2024) –The Lviv Brewery, part of the Carlsberg Group in Ukraine, has launched their Lvivske Rizdvyane seasonal beer in special edition cans produced by CANPACK making use of the company’s DUOMIX print technology.
Founded by Jesuits in 1715, the brewery offers an impressive range of lagers, Baltic porters, wheat beers and fruit flavoured ales. Their annual Lvivske Rizdvyane festive edition (‘Rizdvyane’ is Ukrainian for ‘Christmas’) is a dark beer with a caramel aroma and hints of Christmas spices.
According to Kostiantyn Los, Marketing Manager at Carlsberg Ukraine, “Producing special beers for the winter holidays comes from a legendary local tradition of brewers in the city greeting carol singers who came to their door during the festive season with a welcoming drink.”
“The midnight blue Christmas edition cans tap into this tradition. The white graphic art depicts the brewery at the heart of a snowy city skyline, and shining gold texts beautifully complement the cheerful scene.”
The Ukrainian football team’s badge is also proudly displayed at the top of the design beside the brewery’s historic logo. The Lvivske brand is an official sponsor of the national football team.
The footballing theme is carried through to some wittily written New Year’s greetings. This set of encouraging messages are the main feature of these collectable cans.
The combination of traditional references and forward-looking messaging in popular sporting metaphors appeals to a wide range of consumers.
The whole package is designed to create feelings of belonging during the festive season together with hope for the future. The cans are then finished with MATT varnish to give them a smart look and a smooth feel.
The use of CANPACK’s DUOMIX print technology allows two variant designs in the same colourways to be printed in one production run. In this case, the football-related New Year’s wishes are the variable component that makes this special edition unique.
Vladyslav Shylo, Sales Manager at CANPACK, says: “This is a perfect option for special editions like Lvivske Christmas beer. Limited editions with variable designs help brands to engage consumers more closely as the cans and their contents become associated with particular times and celebrations.”